vrijdag 11 januari 2019

Opening van de tentoonstelling/ the exhibition

The mailart can be seen until February 2019
Mexicosingel 52, 2548 HB Den Haag, www.inloophuishaaglanden.nl

De wethouder van Den Haag, Kavita Parbhudayal (in het midden) opende de tentoonstelling BLIJ. 
The alderman of The Hague (in the middle) opened the exhibition: What makes you Happy.

Het inloophuis is er voor mensen die te maken hebben met kanker.
The walk-in house is for people who are dealing with cancer.

De curator van de tentoonstelling is Alex Witter.
The curator of the exhibition is Alex Witter.

maandag 7 januari 2019

This mailart project is closed

Follow me on Instagram: alexwitter2017


Lars Schumacher

Mara Caruso

Jane Beatriz Sperandio Balconi

Therezinha Fogliato Lima

Maria Do Carmo Toniolo Kuhn

Vera Regina Presotto

Maria Julieta R. Damasceno Ferreira

Enninia Marasca Soccol

Tania Luzzatto

Jussara Leite Kronbauer

Sirlei Caetano

Maria Darmeli Araujo

Joachim Buchholz